Victim Services
冰球突破豪华版试玩致力于为社区内的犯罪受害者提供服务. 我们与校园和社区受害者倡导团体密切合作, mental health facilities, 社区服务组织为受害者提供他们需要的资源.
Victims’ Bill of Rights
Sexual Assault
冰球突破豪华版试玩已经建立了一个规定的程序来帮助和支持性侵犯的受害者. The Campus Safety Department, or any faculty or staff member, will assist you in obtaining medical, counseling, and police services.
我们鼓励您立即向校园安全或任何教职员工报告任何此类事件, even if you do not wish to pursue the matter further. 请记住,一个被释放的攻击者是一个潜在的未来危险, 不仅对你,也对社区的其他成员.
您提供的所有信息将根据我们的政策以及州和联邦法律严格保密. 如果您希望匿名举报有关性侵犯的信息,您可以这样做.
When you report a sexual assault, 你可以选择向执法部门提出指控,也可以选择不起诉. If you choose to file charges, 校园安全部将在各方面协助你, 但没有你的明确同意,我们不会采取任何行动.
Every situation will be different. Therefore, 如果你面临威胁,我们不能提供任何具体的规则来告诉你该做什么或不该做什么. 只有你才能决定采取适当的行动.
If you think you are being followed, you can call 911, call out for assistance and run to a lighted building or residence; enlist the assistance of a passerby or flag down a passing vehicle, 打破建筑物或住宅的窗户或拉响火灾警报. 做任何可能引起注意或需要援助的事情.
如果你遇到攻击者你一定要记住这一点, 在某些情况下,尖叫和挣扎可能会吓跑攻击者, 在其他情况下,这种行为可能会进一步激怒攻击者,并导致更暴力的行为.
性侵犯受害者可以得到很多服务, and you are encouraged to use all support services.
Haven (Violence Prevention & Support Services)
Relationship Violence
Abuse can happen to anyone regardless of race, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, or where one lives. 人们陷入虐待关系的原因有很多,包括:恐惧, belief that their abuser needs help and will change, and because they care about the person.
You have rights in a relationship. 人际关系应该建立在尊重的基础上,应该包括诚实等品质, openness, trust, support, and understanding.
What is relationship abuse?
关系虐待可以被定义为任何关系中的一种行为模式,用来获得或维持对亲密伴侣的权力和控制. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, 影响他人的经济或心理行为或威胁行为. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound someone.
- 生气时损坏财物(扔东西、砸墙、踢门等).);
- Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or strangled you;
- Abandoned you in a dangerous or unfamiliar place;
- Scared you by driving recklessly;
- Used a weapon to threaten or hurt you;
- Forced you to leave your home;
- Trapped you in your home or kept you from leaving;
- 阻止你报警或寻求医疗救助;
- Hurt or threatened to hurt someone you care about;
- Used physical force in sexual situations.
What can I do if I am being abused?
Help is available.
- If you are in immediate physical danger you can call 911.
- 如果你受伤了,你可以去医院或你的医生得到医疗照顾;
- 你可以告诉支持你的家人和朋友发生了什么. 朋友和家人可以提供支持和资源;
- 你可以参加虐恋幸存者互助小组;
- 无论你是离开还是继续这段关系,你都可以制定一个安全计划;
- You can take legal action; for example, applying for a protective order. 保护令是一种法院命令,告诉你的施虐者不要再与你的朋友和家人联系.
Anonymous Report
冰球突破豪华版试玩关注安全问题, security, and well-being of everyone on campus. 一个真正安全的校园只有通过整个大学社区的合作才能实现, which includes students, faculty, staff and visitors. 大学社区成员必须对自己的人身安全负责,并采取简单的个人物品安全措施, common sense precautions. 车辆应始终锁上,贵重物品存放在视线之外. 任何可疑人员或活动应立即报告.
GBCC强烈鼓励举报犯罪、事故、事件和紧急情况. 学院鼓励在需要明显的情况下直接向地方当局报告, 比如你看到正在发生的盗窃或需要立即就医的情况, etc. 通知学院人员应在紧急当局到达后进行.